
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ André;Reis” ,找到相关结果约29198条。
Cole o "Estudos Internacionais" da Editora da Universidade (UFRGS)
André Reis da Silva
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/s0034-73292003000200008
O circo chegou à cidade! Oportunidades de inova??o sócio-territorial
André,Isabel; Reis,Jo?o;
Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografia , 2009,
Abstract: this article discusses the role of the arts, and the circus in particular, in engendering socially creative milieux that promote place development through social innovation. these milieux - neighbourhoods, cities or regions - typically combine diversity, tolerance, participation and collective memory - features that also characterise the circus as an artistic milieu. in order to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the circus and social innovation, we focus on the case of chapit?, in lisbon. chapit??s presence in the city, through a variety of activities that bring together circus arts and social inclusion, is an acquired and widely acknowledged fact. however, something seems to be preventing the possibility of a ?qualitative leap? that would allow this organisation to grow in terms of the scale of its activities, on the one hand, and for it to improve its own internal pool of skills and qualifications, on the other. some broader conclusions are then outlined as to the remarkable capacity of the circus arts to drive socio-territorial innovation, both by upgrading the urban public space and through the social inclusion of children and youths at risk.
Patologia molecular do receptor de sulfoniluréia (SUR1)
Reis, André F.;Velho, Gilberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2000, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302000000500004
Abstract: the sulfonylurea receptor is a subunit of the atp-sensitive potassium channel, which is expressed in the pancreatic beta cell. the central role of this receptor in glucose-induced insulin secretion was confirmed by description that mutations in this gene might result in hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy. the possible role of sur1 gene variants in the genetic susceptibility for type 2 diabetes mellitus has been studied. in this review, we discuss the results concerning the genetic variations in sur1 gene with diseases as type 2 diabetes mellitus and also with the mechanisms of insulin secretion.
Bases Genéticas do Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2
Reis, André F.;Velho, Gilberto;
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S0004-27302002000400014
Abstract: the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2dm) is complex, but it is secondary to a combination of insulin resistance and pancreatic b-cell dysfunction that manifests itself as inadequate insulin secretion in the face of hyperglycemia. several studies have established a clear genetic predisposition for t2dm. some genes for monogenic forms of diabetes have been identified (mody, mitochondrial diabetes). however, few genes were found to be associated with diabetes in the more common forms of t2dm. in these t2dm forms, a variety of environmental factors play a major role in the clinical expression of disease. this article addresses the clinical and genetic advances in the genetic bases of t2dm.
Da substitui o de importa es a substitui o de exporta es
André Luiz Reis da Silva
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/s0034-73292005000200013
Introdu o às Rela es Internacionais: temas, atores e vis es
André Luiz Reis da Silva
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/s0034-73292004000100012
As rela es do Brasil com o Ir e a quest o nuclear
André Luiz Reis da Silva
Meridiano 47 : Boletim de Análise de Conjuntura em Rela??es Internacionais , 2010,
Abstract: Este artigo analisa a quest o nuclear iraniana, em especial o recente acordo intermediado por Brasil e Turquia, no contexto da agenda de n o- prolifera o. Verifica as bases e os interesses do Brasil em intermediar uma solu o pacífica para o caso. O resultado do acordo, embora provisório, concedeu as partes mais tempo para a diplomacia.
As transforma es matriciais da Política Externa Brasileira recente (2000-2010)
André Luiz Reis da Silva
Meridiano 47 : Boletim de Análise de Conjuntura em Rela??es Internacionais , 2010,
Abstract: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as transforma es da política externa brasileira da última década (2000-2010), a partir do conceito de matriz de inser o internacional. Identifica as linhas de ruptura e continuidade na política externa dos governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002) e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010).
Bases Genéticas do Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2
Reis André F.,Velho Gilberto
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia , 2002,
Abstract: A patogênese do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é complexa, associando fatores genéticos e fatores ambientais. A hiperglicemia é secundária à combina o de defeitos tanto na sensibilidade à insulina quanto na disfun o das células beta-pancreáticas. Vários estudos estabeleceram claramente a importancia dos fatores genéticos na predisposi o ao DM2. No momento, conhecemos alguns genes implicados em formas monogênicas de diabetes (MODY, diabetes mitocondrial). No entanto, nas formas mais comuns da doen a de caráter poligênico, conhecemos apenas poucos genes que s o associados à doen a de uma forma reprodutível nos diferentes grupos populacionais estudados. Cada um destes poligenes apresenta um papel isolado muito pequeno, atuando na modula o de fenótipos associados ao diabetes. Nestas formas tardias poligênicas de DM2 é evidente a importancia dos fatores ambientais que modulam a express o clínica da doen a. Nesta revis o abordamos os avan os mais relevantes das bases genéticas do DM2.
A multilayered effective medium model for the roughness effect on the Casimir force
André Gusso,úrsula Berion Reis
Physics , 2012, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/99/36003
Abstract: A multilayered effective medium model is proposed to calculate the contribution of surface roughness to the Casimir force. In this model the rough layer has its optical properties derived from an effective medium approximation, with the rough layer considered as the mixing of voids and solid material. The rough layer can be divided into sublayers consisting of different volume fractions of voids and solid material as a function of the roughness surface profile. The Casimir force is then calculated using the generalizations of the Lifshitz theory for multilayered planar systems. Predictions of the Casimir force based on the proposed model are compared with those of well known methods of calculation, usually restricted to be used with large scale roughness. It is concluded that the effect of short scale roughness as predicted by this model is considerably larger than what could be expected from the extrapolation of the results obtained by the other methods.

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